
A woman and a man dance together

Loads To Do is a website from Manchester City Council designed to help Manchester residents discover the huge amount of cultural and creative opportunities across the city.

From things to do with your family to opportunities for young creatives and older residents, Loads To Do is here to shine a light on where you can go, what you can see and where you can participate or volunteer across the city, or in your own neighbourhood.

The current situation with COVID-19 means that many of the great partners that provide events and opportunities we want to showcase on this site aren’t able to do so in the same way as they normally do. We will keep up-to-date with the latest information and feature as many online and in-person events as possible.

We want to hear from you and feature as many guides from Manchester residents as we can.  If you want to get involved or have any feedback, please get in touch.


Hear about things in Manchester

* I am happy for Manchester City Council to store my details. Please note you can request us to remove your details from our records at any time by contacting info@manchester.gov.uk