Manchester Active Sports Activity

Manchester Active deliver sport, health and physical activity across Manchester. Whether you like to swim, attend fitness classes or play a team sport, you’ll find a variety of sessions happening in your local leisure centre or park.

You’ll find modern gyms and fitness classes alongside spaces for team sports. Young people aged under 17 can enjoy free swimming sessions during the school holidays, and at weekends during term-time. People aged over 60, living in Manchester, can also swim for free during public general swim sessions too.

There’s a warm welcome for everyone, whatever your age or ability, at Manchester Active leisure centres and sports facilities. Take a look at what’s on offer.

Youngsters playing sports together on Bakewell Street in Gorton, Manchester.
Image credit: MCRactive

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Two young people stand in a swimming pool. They are wearing goggles on their heads.

Free Swimming in Manchester

Did you know that young people, living in Manchester, can swim for free during the school holidays?

15 February 2025 - 23 February 2025


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